Bonds and Engineering
Bonds and guarantees are in actual fact function of Banks. However, in general insurance it is written to support engineering portfolio where contractors are issued various types of bonds/guarantees as given hereunder:- Bid Bond.
- Performance Bond
- Advance payment Bond.
- Retention Money Bond.
- Maintenance Bond
- Custom Bond
- Transportation Bond.
- Errection All Risk (EAR) Insurance
- Contractors All Risk (CAR) Insurance
- Machinery Breakdown (MB) Insurance
- Electronic Equipment (EE)Insurance
- Telecommunication
- Testing & Research
- Audio Visual
- Computers.
- Scanner Machines.
- Office Equipments.
- Electro Medical Equipments.
Chairman’s Review
The Chairman’s review included in this report gives comprehensive scenario on the overall performance of your company during the year and its prospects for the future. The Directors fully endorsed the views of the Chairman and would like to follow the guidance for growth and prosperity of the company in years ahead.